Modern life can be tough. Whether it’s work, relationships, family, bereavement, finances, illness, addiction, being bullied or trolled online.

How we cope with what life throws at us is a very personal thing.

Yet for some there is still a belief that it’s only when your life is falling apart, or you’ve been diagnosed with a serious mental illness that you should see a counsellor.

Thankfully, that’s changing. The more that society, employers and politicians recognise that mental health and wellbeing is as important as our physical health the less stigma there is around seeking help from an expert.

And it doesn’t matter how you’re feeling, what symptoms you ‘tick’ on a checklist or the size of the problem you are experiencing, sharing a personal concern, issue or difficulty with a counsellor trained in a variety of therapeutic approaches can be life changing.

At OK Talk we provide understanding, support and empowerment in a safe, secure and confidential setting.

We don’t judge. We work with you to help bring about effective change, enhance your wellbeing and enable you to successfully move forward.

We also don’t sign you up for more counselling sessions then you need. We apply our skills and expertise in determining, together with you, whether one session is enough or if a longer course is required.

OK Talk uses a range of approaches and therapies

What adults say …

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